First Class Resumes
Veteran Owned Business (Established) Nominee
Dannielle Ramos Rash, Founder & Principal Writer
Businesses and the Greater Washington region want the best candidates possible and express a desire to hire Veterans. Transition Military and Veterans have a huge range of skill sets. They have acquired a wealth of knowledge, skills and competencies from serving our country. The training and education that Veterans received during their military service is transferable to those skills being sought by companies and organizations in the Greater Washington region looking to hire. In addition to these valuable skills, the Veteran brings a unique sense of leadership and teamwork to any organization.
Veterans also understand the commitment to achieving organizational objectives and goals.
They have demonstrated the ability to work effectively and efficiently within multi-cultural
environments. When an organization hires a Veteran, they are bringing an individual on who is
committed to serving both an organization and this nation through their continued service.
The qualities a Veteran has including respect for others, pride, honesty and a sense of belonging,
enables Veterans to adapt into any organization.
Many transitioning service members and Veterans are eager to serve. Let’s face it, the military
instills discipline and work ethic into Veterans from day one! Veterans have technical skills in
highly sought out arenas, such as; IT, Communications, Security and Medical technology to
name a few, and many Veterans also hold the required security clearances that are needed for
some government contractors and Federal positions. It is important for all businesses to support
and hire our nation’s Veterans.
Many competitors don’t cater to the Transitioning Military market, and if they do their prices are
much higher. They also claim to know how to “civilianize” a Veterans resume. But how could
they if they have never served a day in their life. What truly makes First Class Resumes unique
is that it’s run by a Veteran for Veterans.
As the First Class Resumes Founder, I am multi Certified as a Federal Career Coach, Federal Job Search Trainer, Professional Resume Writer and Employment Interview Consultant. In addition, I am a member of the Professional Association of Resumes Writers and Career Coaches, Career Thought Leaders and Career Directors International. I also attend resume conferences to keep informed of the careers industry.
As a 4th generation Veteran, my company First Class Resumes specializes in military veterans
transitioning into the workforce and many of my clientele go from being separated from the
military, straight to their corporate or federal dream job. I take pleasure in bringing out the best in
Veterans and highlighting their potential, as well as maximizing their chances in obtaining the
interview. I am not only a military Veteran who gets it, but have literally walked a mile or fifteen
in their “boots”.
I truly feel I have found my calling and is the reason why I get up in the morning, it truly gives
me purpose in life. It is always such a great feeling of achievement and feels fantastic knowing
that what I accomplish on a daily basis helps our transitioning Military members and our
Veterans. Whether it is by assisting them with their resumes, interview skills, LinkedIn profiles
or getting that job offer!
After my clientele have viewed their resumes and I hear them say…..”WOW I WOULD HIRE
ME!” Maybe it is when they call me and they are so excited that they just received a job offer! It
really brightens my day to receive that call and hear success stories from our nations Veterans.
When I receive that phone call this is when I know it is all worth it and what I do makes a
difference in our Veterans lives. I feel I am changing the world, one Veteran at a time!
There are many reasons why businesses could benefit from hiring military Veterans, here are just
a few.
COMMITMENT TO SERVICE: This is what sets Veterans apart from their civilian
counterparts. They are very conscious about the mission of the organization and they work
together to get the job done.
TRAINED LEADERS: Veterans are trained leaders that are placed in high-stress leadership
roles. If you’d like to foster in-house talent and hire genuine leadership candidates, Veterans are
a natural fit.
GREAT WORK ETHIC: Veterans have great work ethic and when you’re in the military,
slacking off is not an option. Each task you have been asked to do must be done for a reason, and Veterans have been trained to understand that. As a result, you can expect Veterans understand the meaning of hard work.
TAX INCENTIVES: Hiring a Veteran Means Tax Incentives and if you hire an eligible
unemployed Veteran, your business can take advantage of a number of tax incentives. The Work
Opportunity Tax Credit, Returning Heroes Tax Credit and Wounded Warriors Tax Credit can
provide your organization with annual incentives of up to $9,600.
COMMITTED TO THE TEAM: As an employer it is comforting to have someone who is
committed to the team, able to work under pressure and ready to be a leader. Hiring military Veterans is a smart business decision because Veterans are people that are driven, mission-
focused and work well in a team environment.
With outstanding skills like this, why wouldn’t an organization want to hire Veterans? There are of course some negative stereotypes regarding hiring Veterans. These are negative generalizations and I believe the real issue with hiring Veterans is in skills translation. It can be difficult for Veterans to define how their skills have qualified them for a career in the private sector. It is just as difficult for companies to create job descriptions that speak to our Veterans’ talents. This seems to be the most prevalent reason for Veterans not being hired. A lot needs to be done to dispel the stereotypes and most Veterans are not damaged; they are not heroes, they are just good people who bring a lot of assets to the workplace.
Dannielle Ramos Rash is a 4th generation Army Veteran and Founder of First Class Resumes & Career Services. Her company provides federal resumes for Veterans around the globe and stands by their motto “Taking You Higher To Get Hired.” Dannielle has been featured in the
“Military Transition” chapter of Modernize Your Job Search Letters: Get Noticed…Get Hired
and co-authored the book Mastering Your Career Journey: 11 Career Experts Unveil the
Secrets to Success.
Dannielle has written civilian and federal resumes for thousands of military Veterans and has
been coined a “Resume Goddess” by her clientele. She is Camouflaged Sisters resident expert
on federal resumes and the federal hiring process. Dannielle has been a contributor in Forward
March Magazine since conception and Women Who Served Magazine. Finally, she has been
featured in Behind The Rank, Vol. 1 and 2 which are Bestsellers on Amazon in the categories of
United States Veterans History, United States Military History and Women History.