Working together for a better Northern Virginia.

Our new initiative seeks to bring business, government and civic leaders together through civil, solutions-oriented collaboration.
"We’ve seen what we get without civility…gridlock on critical issues, blame and entrenchment, acrimony in public meetings, personal detachment, lack of common connection, employee disengagement, attrition."
Luanne Gutermuth, Board Chairman, Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce

Bringing back


BROUGHT TO YOU in Partnership BY


NVC and the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service have come together to form a first-of-its-kind partnership designed to encourage greater collaboration among Virginia’s current and future business, government and civic leaders. This partnership, called Advancing Civics, hosts events and recognizes Virginia leaders who exemplify the kind of civic-minded collaboration the partnership intends to promote.

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Your Chamber Advancing Civics Contact

For more information, please contact Clayton Medford, VP Government Relations:

“We believe that the Sorensen Institute’s history of bringing together diverse groups of Virginians and helping them understand the power of collaboration aligns with the Chamber’s focus on finding equitable solutions to the challenges businesses face. We are thrilled to embark on this new venture and look forward to highlighting the efforts of government and business leaders who embody the kind of results-oriented, collaborative style this partnership seeks to encourage.”
Julie Coons, President and CEO, NVC
“The Sorensen Institute has a long history of providing Virginia’s future leaders with the tools they need to accomplish great things by working together. The Chamber’s core values of integrity, equity and community make it a great partner for the Sorensen Institute to expand our presence in Northern Virginia and, together, we can make great strides toward fostering a more collaborative approach to solving problems in Virginia.”
Lawrence Roberts, director of the Sorensen Institute


We’ve seen what we get without civility…gridlock on critical issues, blame and entrenchment, acrimony in public meetings, personal detachment, lack of common connection, employee disengagement, attrition.Civility is good for business. As such, I’m very pleased that the NVC is partnering with the Sorensen Institute for Effective Leadership to promote positive discourse and solutions-oriented civic engagement.

Luanne Gutermuth

Past Chairmans Council Member, NVC


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We bridge the gap between businesses and elected officials.

For more than 97 years, the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce has been recognized as The Voice of Business in Northern Virginia®. We work with business leaders, top institutions, other business organizations, and a diverse group of elected leaders to stress the importance of regionally-focused collaboration throughout Northern Virginia.

Our advocacy portfolio includes full-time representation in Richmond during the General Assembly session, a robust Political Action Committee (NOVABIZPAC), and the facilitation of engagement between leading business executives and elected leaders throughout the year. The Chamber hosts policy focused events of all sizes throughout the year. From intimate forums with local, regional, and statewide leaders, to our largest events, like our “Top of the Ticket” Debate, broadcast statewide in partnership with NBC Washington and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. We also have direct advocacy relationships with regional institutions like Northern Virginia Community College. There are countless ways for our members to engage with Virginia’s most influential policy makers.

In addition, the Chamber can advocate for a member's business on local government matters like land use and taxes, showing the positive economic effects of a good business environment and growth in Northern Virginia.