Honoring the leaders and legends of the
government contracting community.
Founded in 2002 in the shadow of 9/11, the Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards have honored an industry that is vital to our society and its citizens for two decades. The Greater Washington Government Contractor Award is the premier event honoring the leadership, innovation, and commitment to excellence of the people and businesses in the region’s government contracting community.
Presented by NVC and the Professional Services Council (PSC), the Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards winners are announced at an evening gala, which has been dubbed the "Academy Awards of Government Contracting." This unique networking event draws more than 1,000 industry and government leaders. Please contact Heather Ward for details.
2024 Award Finalists
The GovCon Awards are presented to the Contractor of the Year in four revenue categories and Executive of the Year in three revenue categories. The 2024 Winners and Finalists can be found below.2024 Program of the Year:
Digital Infuzion LLC - WINNER
Prescient Edge Corporation (PEC) - WINNER

- BLN24
- Bravium Consulting
- Forge Group LLC - WINNER
- ITegrity, Inc.
- Partner Forces
- Strategic Engineering Solutions (SES)
- BryceTech, LLC
- Coforma
- Digital Infuzion LLC
- Gunnison Consulting Group - WINNER
- Jefferson Consulting Group LLC
- MetroStar Systems, Inc.
- Prescient Edge Corporation (PEC)
- Steampunk, Inc.
- The Nakupuna Companies
- Two Six Technologies - WINNER
- DCS Corporation
- Guidehouse
- Parsons Corporation - WINNER
- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
- Anil Boinapalli, CEO, Sky Solutions
- Jonathan Evans, President & CEO, B&A
- Brittney Killen, Owner & CEO,Forge Group LLC
- Aaron Moak, CEO, PingWind, Inc.
- Rob Schroder, Founder and Managing Partner, SteerBridge - WINNER
- Greg Fitzgerald, CEO, ITC Federal
- Alexander Granados, CEO of Prescient Edge and Edge Analytic Solutions, Prescient Edge Corp (PEC)
- Larysa Kautz, President & CEO, Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc.
- Ed Kearney, CEO, Kearney & Company, P.C. - WINNER
- Joe Linza, Founder and CEO, Lynker
- Jennifer Felix, President & CEO, ASRC Federal
- John Heller, CEO, Amentum
- Scott McIntyre, CEO, Guidehouse
- David Wajsgras, CEO, Intelsat - WINNER
Contractor of the Year
Presented to a Greater Washington-area government contractor for distinguished financial and operational accomplishments and for outstanding contributions to its employees, the government contracting industry and the U.S. Government in the past year.
• Contractor of the Year (up to $25 million)
• Contractor of the Year ($25 to $75 million)
• Contractor of the Year ($75 to $300 million)
• Contractor of the Year (greater than $300 million)
Applicants for Contractor of the Year must meet ONE of the following criteria:
• Be headquartered in the Greater Washington, DC region defined as south of Baltimore, north of Richmond,
from the Chesapeake to the Shenandoah
• Have more than 50 percent of employees in the Greater Washington, DC Region
• Have at least 1,000 or more employees in the Greater Washington, DC Region
Executive of the Year
Presented to a Greater Washington-area government contracting executive who is recognized for making outstanding contributions to his/her company, the community and the government contracting industry during the past year.
• Executive of the Year (up to $75 million)
• Executive of the Year ($75 to $300 million)
• Executive of the Year (greater than $300 million)
Applicants for Executive of the Year must meet ONE of the following criteria:
• Be a C-level executive of a government contracting company
• Have more than 50 percent of employees in the Greater Washington, DC Region
• Have at least 1,000 or more employees in the Greater Washington, DC Region
Hall of Fame Honoree
The Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards™ Hall of Fame inducts one honoree each year for unparalleled professional excellence and life-long contributions to the community and the government contracting industry. The Hall of Fame honoree is nominated and chosen by the Selection Committee.
Public Sector Partner the Year
Presented to a Federal government procurement professional who has demonstrated unusual leadership and vision in building a spirit of partnership with the private sector and/or leading change in the procurement community.
Program of the Year
Presented to a government contractor in the Greater Washington Area for an exemplary contracted program as described within Contractor of the Year application. In order to be considered for this award, you must apply for Contractor of the Year in one of the four revenue categories. The winner is recommended by the Selection Committee through a combination of mission achievement, financial success, and customer recognition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I apply for Contractor* and Executive* of the year?
- Yes! You can apply for Contractor of the Year in one revenue category and Executive of the Year in one revenue category.
- If you apply for both, you MUST fill out an application for each.
Can I apply for the GovCon Awards and be a sponsor?
No, it is a conflict of interest.
What information is disclosed publicly?
- Only company bio for Contractor of the Year.
- Only executive bio for Executive of the Year.
Who selects finalists and winners?
The Nominations Committee, comprised of industry experts and observers, carefully reviews and assesses each application. A select number then advance to the Selection Committee, which makes the determination of the finalists, and ultimately the winners.
Can I mail in a hard copy of my application?
No. Applications will be accepted through our online portal ONLY.
Do I have to be a member to apply?
No. Anyone can apply as long as you qualify.
Is there an application fee?
No. This is a free application process.
Can I submit an application for myself and/or company?
Yes. We encourage you to submit an application for yourself and/or company and encourage your deserving clients, co-workers, and business partners to apply.
Can I complete an application for someone else?
Yes. If you do so, we ask that you notify the person or company and provide contact information for that person or company. There will be space in the application to do so.
When and how are finalists announced?
Finalists will be announced live at the Finalists Reception.
When and how are winners announced?
Winners are announced live at the Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards on November 6th.
Is this based on the government’s fiscal year, the company’s fiscal year or the calendar year?
Applications will be evaluated based on the company’s fiscal year.
How do we characterize F/O contract contribution?
F/O would be revenue contribution that excludes any and all types of preference programs (small business, HubZone, 8(a), SDVO, etc.) irrespective of whether there was a competition or not.
What is the dress code for the awards ceremony?
Semi-formal or formal business attire is encouraged.
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