We facilitate engagement between
Greater Washington
businesses and elected leaders.
We work with business leaders, top institutions, other business organizations, and a diverse group of elected leaders to stress the importance of Regionally-focused collaboration throughout Greater Washington.
Your NVC Advocacy Contact
For more information, please contact Nick Clemente, VP of Government Relations: nclemente@nvcbusiness.org
NVC Advocacy Programs
Ensuring that our Region has a voice in the legislative process, we have established the NOVABIZPAC to support a pro-business agenda.
Our Policy Committee
NVC maintains multiple topic-focused business councils that host educational and networking events and welcome all members.
Legislative Assembly Work
Stay up-to-date on the General Assembly Session in Richmond! NVC has a full time presence throughout the 2025 legislative session.
Member Advocacy Connector
A scheduled Friday call connecting NVC members with elected officials.
We bridge the gap between businesses and elected officials.
For more than 100 years, NVC has been recognized as The Voice of Business in Greater Washington. We work with business leaders, top institutions, other business organizations, and a diverse group of elected leaders to stress the importance of Regionally-focused collaboration throughout Greater Washington.
Our advocacy portfolio includes full-time representation in Richmond during the General Assembly session, a robust Political Action Committee (NOVABIZPAC), and the facilitation of engagement between leading business executives and elected leaders throughout the year. NVC hosts policy focused events of all sizes throughout the year. From intimate forums with local, regional, and statewide leaders, to our largest events, like our “Top of the Ticket” Debate, broadcast statewide in partnership with NBC Washington and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. We also have direct advocacy relationships with regional institutions like Northern Virginia Community College. There are countless ways for our members to engage with Greater Washington's most influential policy makers.
In addition, NVC can advocate for a member's business on local government matters like land use and taxes, showing the positive economic effects of a good business environment and growth in Greater Washington.